Local Businesses
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Business | Type | Description | Address | Postal Code | Contact | Phone | Website | Social Media | |
Shakti Essentials Holistic Care | Health and Wellbeing | Shakti Essentials Holistic Care combines my yoga classes with my all-natural face and body products, to promote health and well-being inside and out. During the pandemic, I created a safe and sacred space for the practice of yoga for everyone, and refused to discriminate on the basis of vaccination, masking. or anything else for that matter. I believe we all have to move away from supporting large corporations, and instead support small businesses within the community that actually care for the health and well-being of the people. | L5C3Z4 | Hyun Lee | shaktiessentials@gmail.com | 647-280-7483 | https://shaktiessentials.com | https://www.facebook.com/ShaktiEssentials/ | |
LIBRA HR INC | Human Resources Consulting & Business Process Outs | Serving small and midsize businesses with functional solutions with an aim to increase business efficiency while simultaneously ensuring affective employee commitment. Our solutions are constellation approved! | L5A3X8 | David Russo | LIBRA HR INC | +19056999877 | https://www.librahr.ca |
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