Welcome to the People's Union of Mississauga--Erin Mills!

Welcome Friends! 

I am Susan James, and so pleased to assist our like-minded fellowship as the Community Reporter for the People’s Union of Mississauga-Erin Mills.

We are seeing how essential it is to develop a supportive community, in which we help each other retain our freedom, sovereignty and dignity as individuals, as a community and, ultimately, as a nation. 

I will be posting about resources, training, events in and around (or of clear interest to those in the) Erin Mills district of Mississauga. Sharing information about what is available or calling out existing gaps (and then taking action) is what will make us and our families stronger and more resilient. 

I look forward to meeting you in person or virtually. 

If there is something you wish me to report, please contact me using the form below or email me directly at susanswanjames@protonmail.com. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you!